The Indexing and Shuttling systems from Deighton Manufacturing (UK) Ltd allow the user to transfer a narrow width product onto a wider belt for further processing or into a try for packaging or freezing. Able to process a wide range of products including meat, fish, potato and vegetable as well as bakery and confectionary the indexing and Shuttling systems provide a reliable, cost effective solution to your product handling requirements. The shuttle conveyors are available in widths of 200, 300, 400 & 600,, with stokes of up to 600mm as standard. Indexing and feeding conveyors are available in widths of 200, 300, 400 & 600mm with lengths from 1m.
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Operated from a single phase supply, the shuttle conveyors use a servo motor to retract the nose of the conveyor a pre-set distance. A variable speed drive wire belt conveyor allows the user to accurately adjust spacing between the product to ensure efficient placing of the item on the subsequent piece of equipment. As the product reaches the end of the conveyor it is identified by a sensor which signals the pneumatic system to retract the pre-set distance. During this operation the conveyor belt is continually moving, ensuring the distance between products remains constant. The nose of the conveyor is then slowly returned to its initial set position for the cycle to run again. If the system is to be used for a continuous production operation such as for further processing or freezing then this system would be used in conjunction with a variable speed feeding conveyor of suitable width.
When used in conjunction with a P Series Formatic (Position & Count) and Indexing Conveyor. The Shuttle Conveyor provides an effective solution for the filling of trays or packaging. The P Series Formatic allows an adjustable, pre-set number of products to be deposited on the continuously moving integral conveyor before a delay which creates a gap between batches. The conveyor and drum speeds are adjustable to accurately set the spacing between products. The products are then led onto the shuttle conveyor before being dropped onto the indexing conveyor. The indexing conveyor is positioned underneath the shuttle conveyor and trays are manually placed on the end of the conveyor. The trays are then transported forward to a sensed stop position to await the first line of product. Once deposited the conveyor moves the tray forward a set amount of time and stops to wait for the following line. The quantity of lines dropped and distance moved between lines is adjustable and once the final line is dropped and the tray is filled it is moved to the end of the conveyor for removal.